Mwalimu Kefah Onchaga was born in Kisii-Kenya has been in the teaching professional for five years. His success has earned him the title, ” Mwalimu Kefah” and rightly so because he has been at the top in writing stories in African languages. Those who love fantasy tales and dinosaurs would be great admirers of his work. He went to Maasai Mara University where he perused Bachelor of Education Arts Kiswahili and religion. After graduating with honors in 2018, He joined Mount Kenya University where he studied Computer studies.
He has had great impact in writing African literature for instance plays and anthologies of short stories. This books include: Shaka ya Maisha na Hadithi Nyingine, Nyumba ya Mashetani na Hadithi Nyingine,Kuku Ameshida Kura na Hadithi Nyingine, Jela ya Wendawazimu na Hadithi Nyingine, Makovu ya Moyoni na Hadithi Nyingine,Mwana wa Dhahabu na Hadithi Nyingine, Mahakama ya Moyoni na Hadithi Nyingine and Haramu Tamu.
He has been actively participating in writing, teaching Kiswahili Fasihi in school and also through zoom.